The person born with this combination has a fierce personality and desire to conquer whatever they need to in order to get what they want. There is a double-Mars (which rules Aries) effect, which can be passionate and assertive.
An Aries Sun, Gemini Rising is a delightful combination of two masculine signs, one Mutable (Gemini) and one Cardinal (Aries), supporting each other as Air and Fire. This is an Aries that loves to outsmart its competitors!
This produces a dynamic and flamboyant personality that never gives up, and is bold and proud, forever a fighter and not a “flighter.” Here Ares (Mars-Aries) and Apollo (Sun-Leo) join forces in beautiful harmony.
The Aries Sun Virgo Rising person is the leader that gets to the top of the command chain with exceptional service and a positive attitude towards work. Find out more!
When looking upon this combination, you may think the person with such combining signs would be complicated. After all, peace-loving Libra and war-loving Aries are completely opposite to one another. Find out all there is to know!
Before Pluto was discovered in 1930, Mars co-ruled Scorpio together with Aries. This Aries personality is one of the most formidable and should never be crossed!
This makes for a fierce combination. You have two very powerful players here – Zeus (Jupiter – Sagittarius), ruler of the gods, and his son Ares (Mars), god of war. This is a powerful Aries with a strong conscience.
There is automatically a restriction in the personality here. As much as Aries wants to charge forward and do things impulsively, Capricorn rising holds this person back so that they can think of their consequences. Find out all there is to know!
“To boldly go where no man has gone before” is a tagline from the series and movie “Star Trek,” which is all about aliens and technology, and fits in perfectly with this combination. (William Shatner played captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek for years, and has this combination).
Aries Sun Pisces Rising is the romantic dreamer of the Zodiac. They take great action to make sure everything they fantasize about comes true. Find out more!