Fortune horoscope

Jupiter Horoscope 2023 Capricorn: Creative Forces Awaken

This Is How Jupiter 2023 Stands for the Zodiac Sign Capricorn
. Published . Last updated
Capricorn Fortune Horoscope 2023
Photo: © Jacob Lund Photography -

Jupiter in Aries: The Desire for Safety and Security

From the 1st of January, 2023 - the 17th of May, 2023 , Capricorns will have the aspect of the challenging square between Jupiter and their natal Sun. You should be careful not to become too reckless during this time and beware of pride and bossiness. If this is avoided and an effort is made to reason and make decisions, Jupiter will certainly be on your side.


At the same time, Jupiter is in the 4th solar house of Capricorns during this phase. You especially desire a harmonious home and environment during these months. Stability and security, and focus on your family, is what you need . A strong desire for harmony arises. You may also find your peace and certainty in the revival of traditions . Jupiter in the 4th house also speaks to the themes of childhood, motherhood, and home . This could also be a hint that in order to get the security you crave in the future, you should take a look at the past.

Jupiter in Taurus: Creative Forces Awaken

From the 17th of May, 2023 - the 31st of December, 2023, the tide turns! If the support of Jupiter was relatively meager in the months before, now the aspect of the conducive trine between Jupiter and the natal Sun of Capricorn is effective . From now on, there are great opportunities in all areas of life. Jupiter gives great powers of growth and brings happiness and prosperity. Capricorns are full of confidence and trust in their powers, and rightly so!

At the same time, Jupiter stays in the 5th solar house of Capricorns during this phase. This means that you now have a great attraction to other people. And this doesn't only help singles in their search for new love. Because even those who are in steady hands, or perhaps not looking for love at all, will benefit from this. Everything goes better when you enjoy the sympathy and goodwill of those around you.


In addition, your creativity gets going. Capricorn seems to be kissed by the muse , and the creative forces flow. So, dear Capricorn, give free rein to your imaginative side! In addition, leisure time  becomes very important at this time. Maybe there's a new hobby (not just something creative) that you've been wanting to try out for a while? Go ahead, it will be perfect for you during these months, and you will see how well it will go.

We wish you Capricorns a good time with Jupiter, and hope that the opportunities of the great lucky planet can also be used well!

All about the star sign Capricorn


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