Negative aspects
If we do not find a healthy measure in dealing with material goods and are only guided by our false sense of security, the dark side of the Four of Pentacles
is expressed.
In this case, we develop a greed for possessions
, hold everything tightly together and become stingy
. Out of fear of losing something, we cling to everything and don't even realize that we are actually inviting loss and violent change through this kind of behaviour.
We hold on to our love. This is good in principle, but we should make sure that we don't smother our partner and cling too tightly. Because then the very thing we are so afraid of will happen: Our partner leaves. Instead, we should look for common ground and still allow ourselves freedom.
In the professional sphere, too, the Four Coins stand for clinging to what already exists. This insistence does not necessarily have to be a bad thing. Although it prevents us from learning new things and being open to innovative ideas, it is also possible that we can safely complete projects with this attitude. We should check carefully whether our caution is appropriate or whether it is preventing us from making progress. In any case, we should not isolate ourselves, but use our talents profitably in the community.
Opposite view
Disabilities, stinginess, loss of money
Four Pentacles - Card of the day
The Four of Pentacles as a card of the day indicates that you are not in the mood for daring and adventure today. Rather, this card expresses an increased need for security . Perhaps you are more concerned about money today than usual, or you fear financial losses or the loss of your job. It's okay if you don't want to take any big leaps today, but think things through carefully and consider whether your caution is really appropriate or whether it's overdone. After all, if you cling on too tightly, you could miss out on exciting opportunities.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Saturn in the 2nd house
I-Ching correspondence tarot
60 Dsie / The Restriction
Need for security, materialism, overvaluation of possessions, clinging to what exists, status quo, persistence, rigidity