Negative aspects
If we live the shadow side of the tarot card Eight Swords , we have completely blocked ourselves. We are caught up in our duties and don't even realize that it is we ourselves who are pulling all the strings. We torture ourselves with strict, almost obsessive self-control and go round in circles with unnecessary brooding .
In the area of love and relationships, the Eight Swords are primarily concerned with the aspect of inhibition . Perhaps we have inhibitions about entering into a new relationship or we are unable to open up to our partner. Perhaps we don't feel free within our relationship either and believe that we always have to conform to the other person's ideas. However, we are actually restricting ourselves. So it is also up to us to break down the boundaries and act on our own responsibility.
In professional terms, the Eight of Swords means that our current job restricts our spirit and we cannot develop freely. The current job or area of responsibility is not what we really want. Perhaps we are only holding on to it because we feel we have to meet the demands of society. But the Eight Swords do not call for an immediate break with our job. Rather, it is about planning for the long term and finally getting to where we want to be.
Opposite view
Past betrayal, deceit, resistance
Eight Swords - Card of the day
The Eight Swords stand for mental inhibition and constriction . As a daily card , this can mean that you are restricting yourself today, practicing renunciation or are inhibited. Trust in your abilities and tear down the boundaries you have set yourself. But also be patient with yourself, you can't change everything from one day to the next.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Saturn in the 4th house, Jupiter in Gemini
I-Ching correspondence tarot
39 Gien / The Inhibition
Danger, hidden enemies, constriction, criticism, slander, conflict, crisis, misfortune, renunciation