Negative aspects
The dark side of the Knight of Swords is obvious. We may be too ruthless and simply overrun the needs and opinions of our fellow human beings. We are uncompromising , rash and radical . We suspiciously adopt a Defensive posture and believe that we are being attacked from various sides.
Minor conflicts can quickly turn into major disputes . The Knight of Swords indicates that we are unbeatable in discussions or arguments. We are not afraid to make our opinions known and are very critical and impatient . But this is precisely why we should try to hold back a little, otherwise a minor conflict can quickly turn into a major argument.
In professional life , depending on our motivation , the Knight of Swords stands for the involvement of our colleagues in a difficult or successful working relationship . We push forward, are determined to get ahead and know exactly what we want and how we want it. Our creative and alert intellect provides us with sufficient ideas . Not everyone around us will like that. Especially as diplomacy is not our strong point either. Some critical statements will not go down well. At the same time, the Knight of Swords can also give us a real boost towards success if we use our energy to get our colleagues on board.
Opposite view
Carelessness, rashness, immaturity
Knight of Swords - Card of the day
The Knight of Swords stands for an active day . Your mind is working at full speed and you can develop great creative ideas . You are likely to find it less difficult to cope with tasks today. The Knight of Swords also stands for speed and energetic energy . So it's best to start implementing new projects right away, giving them a good boost right from the start. But also try to be considerate of those around you and don't be too critical or impatient . Otherwise the mood among you will suddenly deteriorate.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Saturn /Venus, Aquarius
Speed, creativity, ideas, skill, enthusiasm, impatience, vigilance, aggressiveness, intuitive thinking