Negative aspects
The dark side of the Nine Swords tarot card stands for self-abandonment and cruelty . We may either let ourselves down completely and sink into our self-doubt, or we may develop unbridled anger and cover up our own insecurity with destructive and unfair behavior.
Fears and doubts intrude into our single life or our partnership. Single people may feel lonely and worry that they will not find a suitable partner. There can be an imbalance in partnerships, or we worry about the continuation of the relationship. We are quick to blame ourselves for negative developments.
The Nine Swords
card also indicates a difficult time in our professional lives. We can feel overwhelmed
, perhaps we are not up to our tasks, are in trouble
with colleagues or superiors or are struggling with our career prospects.
Or perhaps we are just putting ourselves under too much pressure and suffering from self-doubt
and inferiority complexes
At the latest when this stress causes insomnia and nightmares, it's time to get help. Even if you don't believe it now, this career crisis has the advantage that we can then move forward all the stronger and more goal-oriented. We should not avoid the problems.
Opposite view
Malice, slander
Nine Swords - Card of the day
The Nine Swords tarot card indicates a rather difficult day . Perhaps something is bothering you that is making you sleep uneasily or you are struggling with self-doubt. The Nine of Swords encourages you to check carefully whether there really is any cause for gloom. Get positive energy from friends and family today.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Saturn /Moon, Mars in Gemini
Misfortune, suffering, illusions, tension, fear, remorse, nightmares, despair, agonizing thoughts, worry, guilt, shame, oppression, difficult task, doubt