Negative aspects
The shadow side of the Queen of Swords shows a cynical person, guided only by their intellect. We live out our urge to control everything and act calculating and arrogant .
The Queen of Swords can stand for a witty and self-confident woman entering our lives who impresses us with her clever and thoughtful manner. She will probably become important to us. If the Queen of Swords stands for ourselves, she rather means that we will realize some things in relationship matters. We may finally recognize problems clearly and tackle them directly in order to solve them. Or we may develop an increasing independence that our partner may not like quite so much.
In the professional field, the Queen of Swords tarot card can stand for a woman who is self-confident and independent in her professional life. She makes her judgments wisely and objectively and knows how to get ahead. In meetings, speeches or presentations, she shines with her well thought-out arguments and quick comprehension . This card can refer to ourselves or to a person in our immediate working environment.
Opposite view
Manipulation, separation, unscrupulousness, malice
Queen of Swords - Card of the day
The Queen of Swords
as a daily card can indicate that you are taking a decisive step forward today. Perhaps a clever, independent and witty woman will unexpectedly help you with valuable advice
. This woman may come from your immediate environment or may be new to your life. Or you yourself may recognize what your next steps should be and face everyday life with an alert mind and good judgment
Today you may appear cool and distant
. Let your feelings speak for themselves!
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Sun in Aquarius
Astuteness, accuracy, versatility, diplomatic talent, strength, strength in problems, generosity, self-confidence, detachment, independence, judgment, advisor