
Three of Swords

The tarot card Three Swords can indicate that we find ourselves in a difficult and perhaps painful situation.

Three of Swords

The tarot card Three Swords can indicate that we find ourselves in a difficult and perhaps painful situation.

The card

Reason , logic and intellect are symbolized in tarot by the cards of the swords . If their meaning is favorable, they indicate courage and strength . However, they can also indicate impending disaster, excessive ambition or an inner or outer struggle . The swords represent the element of air .


The tarot card Three Swords can indicate that we find ourselves in a difficult and perhaps painful situation . We recognize that we need to change something and that a decision is due . It will probably be unpleasant or cause fear . In hindsight, however, we will realize that this step was necessary and we will feel liberated.
This step can also mean letting go of hurts from the past .
Perhaps we are still carrying around burdens from the past that are still causing us grief and shaping our lives today. It's time to think through the past and then let go and bring closure . The tarot card Three Swords shows us that we can also gain valuable experience from suffering. Overcoming these hurts makes us stronger.


Negative aspects

If the shadow side of the Three Swords is lived, we do not manage to leave our fears behind and summon up the courage to make a decision. We dwell on old suffering and bring it into our present. Our thoughts go round in circles, we do not allow ourselves to come to a realization.


Here the tarot card Three Swords symbolizes heartache . We are hit by an unpleasant realization that challenges us to make a decision. We may realize that the relationship is no longer working, even if we still have feelings for our partner. However, it is time to put relationships right and sort them out . Otherwise we will hurt ourselves and our partner even more.



A difficult decision may be imminent. We realize that things can't go on like this, perhaps it's time to resign or have a personal conversation with our employer. This can be very unpleasant for us, but it will be necessary. The tarot card Three Swords shows us that it is important to think about what is really important, what will help us achieve happiness in life and what is more likely to hinder us.

Opposite view

Mistakes, alienation, disorder

Three Swords - Card of the day

Perhaps you are thinking more intensely today about past unpleasant and painful situations that are still preoccupying you today. It is good to deal with old stories, but you should not lose yourself in a carousel of negative thoughts. The Three Swords tarot card encourages you to deal with past hurts rationally and then put them behind you. Perhaps you need to have a clarifying conversation with your superior or your partner.

Astrologic correspondence tarot

Mars /Moon, Saturn in Libra

I-Ching correspondence tarot

23 Bo /The Splintering


Sorrow, disappointment, separation, conflict, parting from old wounds, painful realization, difficult decision, distraction, grief

The 14 number and court cards of the Swords stand for spirit, mind and intellect. They are assigned to the element of air and convey meanings such as rationality, knowledge, goal orientation, concentration, search for truth and insight.