Negative aspects
The Three Wands also have a dark side. We may rest too long on our laurels and hesitate until we take the next step. We may have created a good basis, but we have not yet reached our goal. However, the map also warns us that we should not simply rush forward without paying attention to what has gone before and what lies behind us.
A relationship under the sign of this card usually has a happy future ahead of it. A good basis for living together, such as a shared apartment, has already been created.
Singles can also look to the future with optimism. They too have already created good conditions for their happiness in love.
We have reached a secure position and our income and position have a good foundation. From this position we can act in a relaxed and optimistic manner.
Our career also benefits from the fact that our projects are progressing thanks to our forward-looking planning. The chances of a successful conclusion are therefore good. However, it is important to look at the situation from different angles.
Opposite view
Deception, misunderstanding, short-sightedness
3 Wands - Card of the day
You have already achieved a lot. Today you can therefore enjoy your successes and relax. Perhaps you will come up with something new for the future. Today you have excellent foresight and your goals may appear much clearer to you than in the past.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Mercury in Leo
I-Ching correspondence tarot
20 GUAN / The Observation
Confidence, vision, realization of plans, security, basis, professional success, positive relationship