Negative aspects
The negative aspect of the World Tarot card stands for a warning likewise to be not too ambitious and set achievable and reachable goals for the future. We are on our way equally it is risky and dangerous to keep balance in life. Consequently the balance of power flows into disorder. Please, be on your guard! You should try to behave vigilant about your life and your decisions. If nothing works you feel stagnation.
The World in a love reading symbolizes fulfillment, harmony, and the completion of an important relationship phase. It suggests that you and your partner may have reached a stage of deep understanding and mutual satisfaction, possibly moving toward long-term commitment or marriage. If you're single, The World indicates that you're ready to embrace love after personal growth and self-discovery, signaling the potential for a fulfilling relationship ahead. This card encourages you to celebrate the love you’ve built or prepare to welcome a well-rounded and balanced connection into your life.
The World in a career reading signifies completion, achievement, and recognition of your hard work . It suggests that you are reaching the end of a significant phase, such as completing a major project, earning a promotion, or achieving a long-term career goal. This card encourages you to celebrate your success and recognize the growth you've made along the way. It may also indicate opportunities for expansion, such as traveling for work or exploring new career horizons. The World invites you to embrace your accomplishments and consider how to build on this success for future endeavors.
Opposite view
Incompleteness, limiting, restriction, dissociation, inflexible stagnation, inflexibility
World - Card of the day
The World Tarot Card has a high value. It is positive and shows that you are on the right way. Maybe today you get the chance or opportunity to achieve something significant or even you achieve a desired goal. You sense in the midst of all things and it perceptible for people around you. You are inspired by love of life and you stay in balance.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
Jupiter in pisces
I-Ching correspondence tarot
55 Fong / the plenty
Fulfillment, completeness, development, process, initiation, profession, destination, love of life, inspiration, energy, well-being, success, climax, focus, center, way