Buzz Aldrin (*1930), David Lynch (*1946), Federico Fellini (1920-1993), Patricia Neal (1926-2010), Gary Barlow (*1971), Omar Sy (*1978), Evan Peters (*1987), Bill Maher (*1956)
Saint's day
Weather Proverb
The zodiac sign is changing at 11:13 PM:
→ Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Water Tiger
44,590 days ago (122 years 29 days)
Daily aspects

This is a great time for going out with friends and having fun! You may change things up at home, with either how things are conducted, or by redecorating. You may bring new technology into the house, such as smart televions, laptops and security. This transit is perfect for creating memorable romantic dates that are out of the ordinary! It's also a good transit for any sort of business dealing with hi-tech and women, or feminine products.

From this point of view, you are sensual and passionate, loving, and frank. You have a great love for art, especially for dance, and may also have an extraordinary ability to perform. You are popular and attractive with the opposite sex, but expect more from a relationship than just physical contact. You could also go on a spending spree, so watch out for this. Children also enjoy your company.

This aspect can lead to family problems, health disorders, difficulties at work, discomfort with the opposite sex, and public disagreements. It is highly important to think before you act or react. It can also cause pain in the womb, especially during "that time of the month" for young ladies and women.

The Scorpio Moon gives us intense energy . Passion, sensuality, impulsiveness , but also dispute and vindictiveness determine these days. We want to experience something new, but it is also easier to deal with severe changes.

You may experience indigestion during this square, so "heavy" foods like red meat should be avoided. Try stick to low GI food to keep your energy up. You should cancel any important meetings you have with women, and definitely don't sign business contracts - especially if it has to do with feminine products. You may feel very teary and depressed, so lay off the candy and alcohol. It's best to exercise and take walks in nature right now, and spend time with pets that give you unconditional love.

The Trine between the Moon and Neptune gives you an active imagination, good empathy, and an excellent understanding of art. You are attractive, dreamy, and enthusiastic. It's a great time for writing down your goals in life, meditation, psychic practice, reading tarot cards, practicing astrology, and making love till all hours of the morning.
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