Kurt Cobain (1967-1994), Cindy Crawford (*1966), Rihanna (*1988), Robert Altman (*1925, † 2006), Hubert de Givenchy (1927-2018), Jan Delay (*1976), Sidney Poitier (*1927)
Birthday: Pisces
Chinese zodiac sign:
兔 Water Rabbit
44,405 days ago (121 years, 6 months, 28 days)
Daily aspects
Jupiter → Pisces |
Moon ⚹ Mars |
Moon Opposition Pluto |
Sun Trine Neptune |
Daily aspects
When Jupiter is in Pisces, we love peace. We like to work in loneliness. Our scientific talent comes out. We develop our love for art, literature, and music and are interested in everything paranormal. But our clairvoyant powers and our high meditation power also come to light. Our sensitive nature is shown, and we are friendly and kind people. But we can also be weak-willed, depraved, and inclined to vice.
This aspect gives you the ability to communicate well with the opposite sex. Good relationships will occur at work, and you'll feel a lot of drive to achieve more - or even have a side project working from home. You may also have a craving to eat hot and spicy food, so go take your partner, or friends, to the closest Indian or Mexican restaurant! Just know that it'll be easy to burn off the extra calories, as you'll be inspired to exercise more.
This is an important period not to get into fights with women, as there could be power and ego struggles. You may fight with family, and problems could occur over joint finances and taxes. It's highly important not to get involved in psychic practices, or astral travel right now, as you could attract the attention of evil entities.
The trine between the Sun and Neptune awakens refined feelings and sensations, and your good taste and love for beauty and art. You are also attracted to mystical studies. It is a wonderful time to seek the guidance of a spiritual teacher, or become a teacher yourself. You could have romantic encounters through participation in cultural, spiritual and religious activities. You find a lot of peace at the ocean.
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