Jim Carrey (*1962), Muhammad Ali (1942-2016), Michelle Obama (*1964), Paul Young (*1956), Kid Rock (*1971), Zooey Deschanel (*1980), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Betty White (*1922)
Saint's day
Rose, Rosalia
Tony, Anthony
Weather Proverb
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
鼠 Water Rat
40,784 days ago (111 years, 7 months, 29 days)
Daily aspects
Sun Trine Saturn |
Moon ⚹ Neptune |
Daily aspects
The trine between the Sun and Saturn gives you a lot of strength and success, steadiness, sobriety, and self-confidence. You achieve your goals with perseverance, orderliness, and tenacity, and your tasks are completed with persistence. You can manage and organize large business ventures. The relationship with your father is steady. It's a good time to go to the hairdresser, and do workouts that strengthen your bones. You may also want to pay the dentist a visit. You may get together with a love from the past, or get involved romantically with someone older.
During this transit, time should be taken out to visit any relatives, or friends, that are currently in hospital, old age homes, or institutions. You will feel very charitable, and should spend time volunteering at animal shelters, and giving your time at soup kitchens. You will feel very close to your female friends, and may even be attracted to them. It is a perfect time for creative expression. Spending time on the beach will bring a lot of joy and relaxation, especially meditating there at sunrise.
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