Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849), Simon Rattle (*1955), Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), Tippi Hedren (*1930), Katey Sagal (*1954), Dolly Parton (*1946), Janis Joplin (1943-1970)
Saint's day
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Wood Tiger
40,055 days ago (109 years, 7 months, 30 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Square Venus |
Moon ⚹ Mars |
Daily aspects
This is a not a good time to bond with others emotionally. You may have arguments with your mother, or motherly figure, as well as other females. If you are creative, you may paint objects, portraits, or landscapes, only to be disappointed in what you have made and destroy it afterwards. If you are female, you may experience period cramps and excessive PMS irritability and aggression.
This aspect gives you the ability to communicate well with the opposite sex. Good relationships will occur at work, and you'll feel a lot of drive to achieve more - or even have a side project working from home. You may also have a craving to eat hot and spicy food, so go take your partner, or friends, to the closest Indian or Mexican restaurant! Just know that it'll be easy to burn off the extra calories, as you'll be inspired to exercise more.
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