David Bowie
David Bowie was a British musician, singer, songwriter, and actor. He was born on 8 January 1947 in London and died on 10 January 2016 in New York City. Bowie was especially successful in the 1970s and is considered one of the most important rock musicians.
Some of his most famous songs are "Space Oddity," "Changes," and "Heroes."
"Space Oddity" is a science fiction song released in 1969 inspired by manned space travel. The song became Bowie's first hit and is still one of his most famous.
"Changes" is a song released in 1971 and appeared on Bowie's album "Hunky Dory." The song is about changes and became one of his most famous songs.
"Heroes" is a song released in 1977 and appeared on Bowie's album "Heroes." The song is about the power of love and the strength of human bonds and became one of his most famous songs.
David Bowie was also an actor and appeared in various films and theatre productions. He was known for his experimental and androgynous stage outfits and his transformation over the years from one musical personality to another.
Other personalities celebrating birthdays today:
- Shirley Bassey (8 January 1937, singer)
- Elvis Presley (8 January 1935 - 16 August 1977, singer)
- Stephen Hawking (8 January 1942 - 14 March 2018, physicist)
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Wood Tiger
40,062 days ago (109 years, 8 months, 6 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Trine Uranus |
Moon Square Mars |
Half Moon (Libra) |
Daily aspects
This Trine between the Moon and Uranus gives you great attention, persuasiveness, ambition, creativity and originality. You go your own way, and look for new methods of doing things. You are determined, imaginative, keen to travel, and optimistic! This transit also lends itself to great opportunities for creating advertising campaigns geared at women!
This Square could easily make you excited, argumentative, and hasty. Disagreements with the opposite sex may occur. You could waste money, repress your emotions, and feel moody and passionate. If you are female and menstruating, there may be a lot of bleeding, and you may experience a lot of pain, and tender breasts.
This aspect can lead to family problems, health disorders, difficulties at work, discomfort with the opposite sex, and public disagreements. It is highly important to think before you act or react. It can also cause pain in the womb, especially during "that time of the month" for young ladies and women.
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