Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
兔 Wood Rabbit
39,694 days ago (108 years, 8 months, 3 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Square Mars |
Moon → Gemini |
Moon ⚹ Neptune |
Daily aspects
This Square could easily make you excited, argumentative, and hasty. Disagreements with the opposite sex may occur. You could waste money, repress your emotions, and feel moody and passionate. If you are female and menstruating, there may be a lot of bleeding, and you may experience a lot of pain, and tender breasts.
The Moon in the Gemini improves our mental faculties, makes us curious and responsive. We are awake and looking for new experiences and impressions. This is a good time for all kinds of communication, contacts, training, and learning.
During this transit, time should be taken out to visit any relatives, or friends, that are currently in hospital, old age homes, or institutions. You will feel very charitable, and should spend time volunteering at animal shelters, and giving your time at soup kitchens. You will feel very close to your female friends, and may even be attracted to them. It is a perfect time for creative expression. Spending time on the beach will bring a lot of joy and relaxation, especially meditating there at sunrise.
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