Phil Collins (* 1951), Vanessa Redgrave (* 1937), Christian Bale (*1974), Heidi Brühl (1942-1991), Gene Hackman (*1930), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)
Birthday: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
龍 Earth Dragon
35,449 days ago (97 years 19 days)
Daily aspects
Venus Square Jupiter |
Moon ⚹ Pluto |
Moon Square Mercury |
Daily aspects

During this transit, you could lose a lot of money through the social events you attend, as well as overexpansion in business affairs. It is best to take it easy right now, and watch what goes in and out of your pocket. If you are married, fights may occur, especially in relation to money and one partner going out all the time to have fun. It's not the best time to enrol in university or go on a big trip, as you could lose money. Also, don't go for cosmetic procedures during this transit, as it could cost more than you expect, and the result may not be what you want.

This transit between the Moon and Pluto awakens your sentimental nature. You enjoy adventures and extreme actions. Your emotional life is very distinctive. The desire to travel awakens within you. You may go through a positive transformation of the mind. Dealings with taxes and joint finances will have a positive outcome.

During this transit, there could be delays in communication. Travel isn't supported right now. You may get lost in unfamiliar territory. You may not be able to focus well, mentally, and thoughts could create emotional upset. You may fight with siblings or neighbors, and you need to be careful when texting messages, as you may send them to the wrong people.
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