Buzz Aldrin (*1930), David Lynch (*1946), Federico Fellini (1920-1993), Patricia Neal (1926-2010), Gary Barlow (*1971), Omar Sy (*1978), Evan Peters (*1987), Bill Maher (*1956)
Saint's day
Weather Proverb
The zodiac sign is changing at 6:42 AM:
→ Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
龍 Earth Dragon
34,936 days ago (95 years, 7 months, 25 days)
Daily aspects
During this transit, there could be delays in communication. Travel isn't supported right now. You may get lost in unfamiliar territory. You may not be able to focus well, mentally, and thoughts could create emotional upset. You may fight with siblings or neighbors, and you need to be careful when texting messages, as you may send them to the wrong people.
All info about zodiac sign Aquarius
The Moon in the Gemini improves our mental faculties, makes us curious and responsive. We are awake and looking for new experiences and impressions. This is a good time for all kinds of communication, contacts, training, and learning.
This aspect brings you overall happiness, life success, health, well-being, vitality, harmony with parents and family, and there will be pleasant interactions between you and your partner. If single, it is a good time to go out on dates.
This transit can cause a dreamy disposition, passive attitude, tendency to self-deception, imbalance, hypersensitivity, weakened instinctual life, and nervous disorders. You could also get lost in wishful thinking. Try not watch horror movies during this time, as it may disturb you, and could lead to vivid nightmares.
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