Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
雞 Water Rooster
33,292 days ago (91 years, 1 month, 23 days)
Daily aspects
Moon → Taurus |
Sun Trine Moon |
Mercury ⚹ Jupiter |
Daily aspects

The Taurus Moon helps us to preserve and increase money and material possessions. Security, compatibility, holding on to family are essential to us. These days we are very focused on our family and our home. And enjoyment in all areas is paramount.

This aspect brings you overall happiness, life success, health, well-being, vitality, harmony with parents and family, and there will be pleasant interactions between you and your partner. If single, it is a good time to go out on dates.

This aspect between Mercury and Jupiter gives you a cheerful outlook on life and a feeling of optimism. Your mind is influential during this time. You reason, are generous, have a talent for speaking, enjoy discussions, love socializing, have organizational skills, a fertile imagination, and a thirst for knowledge. Enjoy studies, as well as travelling, and you should have a positive outcome when dealing with doctors, as well as lawyers.
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