Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Earth Tiger
31,288 days ago (85 years, 7 months, 29 days)
Daily aspects
Mercury → Capricorn |
Half Moon (Libra) |
Daily aspects
Mercury, in Capricorn, stands for a clear and logical mind. Now we can be more critical and more suspicious. We now have a more exceptional ability to concentrate on difficult tasks and are particularly interested in business matters. Maybe under a Capricorn Mercury, we won't learn particularly quickly, but we will undoubtedly learn things more thoroughly than usual. We are skilled and persistent.
This aspect can lead to family problems, health disorders, difficulties at work, discomfort with the opposite sex, and public disagreements. It is highly important to think before you act or react. It can also cause pain in the womb, especially during "that time of the month" for young ladies and women.
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