
Jan 5, 1939 - Astrology Calendar

All Moon and Planet Constellations / Aspects and Transits for January 5, 1939
Jan 5, 1939 - Astrology Calendar
Photo: © OLEG ZHADAN -


Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco was an Italian writer, philosopher, and semiotician born in Alessandria on 5 January 1932 . He studied media studies and philosophy at the University of Turin and was a professor of semiotics at various universities in Italy and France. Eco is best known for his novels "The Name of the Rose " (1980), "The Foucault Pendulum " (1988), and "The Cemetery in Prague " (2010), all of which have been translated into numerous languages and have become worldwide bestsellers. His works are characterized by their historical, philosophical, and literary allusions and often play with the concept of perception and the interpretation of signs and symbols. Eco died in Milan on 19 February 2016.

Other birthdays

Saint's day

  • Emilia
  • Johann
  • Raphaela
Thursday, January 5, 1939

Sun January 1939

Birthday: Capricorn

Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Earth Tiger

31,388 days ago (85 years, 11 months, 7 days)

Daily aspects

Moon Trine Jupiter

Sun Trine Uranus

Moon Square Saturn

Moon ⚹ Uranus

Venus Trine Pluto

Full Moon (Cancer)

Moon Trine Mars


Full Moon (


Daily aspects

Moon (Cancer) Trine Jupiter (Pisces)  | Photo: © Jacob Ammentorp Lund -
Moon (Cancer) Trine Jupiter (Pisces)

This is a very favorable transit. It can bring you social success, as well as financial opportunities. You have a positive vibe and outlook on life, are sincere, and enjoy popularity. You can carry out philanthropic activities with ease. You are attractive, optimistic and have artistic interests. It's a great time for going out on dates and meeting your future spouse!

Sun (Capricorn) Trine Uranus (Taurus)  | Photo: © kart31 -
Sun (Capricorn) Trine Uranus (Taurus)

The trine between the Sun and Uranus gives you a healthy self-confidence, originality of spirit, initiative, ambition, bright and active mind, and interest in all innovations. You have a strong personality and reject what is traditional. You may experiment with an alternate lifestyle. You could connect with someone romantically, which brings excitement into your life!


Moon (Cancer) Square Saturn (Aries)  | Photo: © Coka -
Moon (Cancer) Square Saturn (Aries)

You may experience indigestion during this square, so "heavy" foods like red meat should be avoided. Try stick to low GI food to keep your energy up. You should cancel any important meetings you have with women, and definitely don't sign business contracts - especially if it has to do with feminine products. You may feel very teary and depressed, so lay off the candy and alcohol. It's best to exercise and take walks in nature right now, and spend time with pets that give you unconditional love.

Moon (Cancer) ⚹ Uranus (Taurus)  | Photo: ©
Moon (Cancer) ⚹extile Uranus (Taurus)

This is a great time for going out with friends and having fun! You may change things up at home, with either how things are conducted, or by redecorating. You may bring new technology into the house, such as smart televions, laptops and security. This transit is perfect for creating memorable romantic dates that are out of the ordinary! It's also a good transit for any sort of business dealing with hi-tech and women, or feminine products. 

Venus (Sagittarius) Trine Pluto (Leo)  | Photo: © bernardbodo -
Venus (Sagittarius) Trine Pluto (Leo)

The Trine between Venus and Pluto gives you strong passion. You're lucky in love, and will make friendships and connections easily. An extraordinary attraction and drive for life will appear. Furthermore, you'll have a great love for art, a cheerful mind, and ideal aspirations. Success in your professional life could occur.


Full Moon (Cancer) | Photo: © miiko -
Full Moon (Cancer)

It's easy to get irritated and moody. Family disputes can occur every day. You will experience difficulty in finding peace. You will feel confused, as you will not fully be able to think with your head, or feel with your heart. Choosing clothes to wear for the day may be difficult, as you may find it hard deciding on whether you want to wear a more feminine or masculine look. 

Moon (Cancer) Trine Mars (Scorpio)  | Photo: ©
Moon (Cancer) Trine Mars (Scorpio)

This Trine gives you great willpower, courage, practical action, resourcefulness, activity, love of truth, and openness. You may move to a new home, or totally rearrange your current home. It's a wonderful time for self improvement and conscious efforts to exercise and take better care of yourself. It's time for self-love and "me" time.  

Current timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -06:00). change timezone


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The Sun on Jan 5, 1939

Darkest moment
It is the darkest moment of the night. Sun is in the lowest position.
Night ends
The morning astronomical twilight starts.
Nautical Dawn
The morning nautical twilight starts.
Morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts.
Top edge of the sun appears on the horizon
Sunrise ends
Bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Morning golden hour ends
Soft light - the best time for photography.
Solar noon
The sun is in the highest position.
Evening golden hour starts
Sunset starts
The bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts.
Evening nautical twilight starts.
Nautical dusk
Evening astronomical twilight starts.
It is dark enough for astronomical observations.

The times were calculated for 38° 33' N, -91° 00' W, Timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -6)

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