
Jan 30, 1952 - Astrology Calendar

All Moon and Planet Constellations / Aspects and Transits for January 30, 1952
Jan 30, 1952 - Astrology Calendar
Photo: © ©starsstudio - -


Phil Collins (* 1951),  Vanessa Redgrave (* 1937) Christian Bale (*1974),  Heidi Brühl (1942-1991),  Gene Hackman (*1930),  Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

Wednesday, January 30, 1952

Sun January 1952

Birthday: Aquarius

Chinese zodiac sign:
龍 Water Dragon

26,683 days ago (73 years 19 days)

Daily aspects

Moon ⚹ Mercury

Moon → Aries

Moon Square Venus


The Moon moves from Pisces to Aries (
Waxing Crescent


Daily aspects

Moon (Pisces) ⚹ Mercury (Capricorn)  | Photo: © Victoria Chudinova -
Moon (Pisces) ⚹extile Mercury (Capricorn)

This is a good time for any sort of marketing, advertising and public relations. You may be heavily involved in communicating with family over Zoom calls or WhatsApp group chats. It's a great time to buy a car and go on short-distance travels. You'll also enjoy the company of neighbors. If you go on dates, great communication will occur. You and your loved one communicate effectively.  

Moon → Aries | Photo: © Anton -
Moon → Aries

The Aries Moon transforms us into a bundle of energy and gives us confidence in our own skills. We act spontaneously, but also responsibly, and we have a bright, sharp mind. With elan, we start new projects and have high assertiveness. Now it is the best time to tackle difficult things.

Moon (Aries) Square Venus (Capricorn)  | Photo: © LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS -
Moon (Aries) Square Venus (Capricorn)

This is a not a good time to bond with others emotionally. You may have arguments with your mother, or motherly figure, as well as other females. If you are creative, you may paint objects, portraits, or landscapes, only to be disappointed in what you have made and destroy it afterwards. If you are female, you may experience period cramps and excessive PMS irritability and aggression.  

Current timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -06:00). change timezone


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The Sun on Jan 30, 1952

Darkest moment
It is the darkest moment of the night. Sun is in the lowest position.
Night ends
The morning astronomical twilight starts.
Nautical Dawn
The morning nautical twilight starts.
Morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts.
Top edge of the sun appears on the horizon
Sunrise ends
Bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Morning golden hour ends
Soft light - the best time for photography.
Solar noon
The sun is in the highest position.
Evening golden hour starts
Sunset starts
The bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts.
Evening nautical twilight starts.
Nautical dusk
Evening astronomical twilight starts.
It is dark enough for astronomical observations.

The times were calculated for 38° 33' N, -91° 00' W, Timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -6)

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