Birthday: Sagittarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
龍 Water Dragon
26,205 days ago (71 years, 8 months, 29 days)
Daily aspects
New Moon (Sagittarius) |
Moon ⚹ Saturn |
Sun ⚹ Saturn |
Moon → Capricorn |
Daily aspects
Emotions rule. Relationships run harmoniously, as the feminine side is emphasized. Male and female energy combine, making you assertive, yet gentle with all dealings with other people.
This transit increases your sense of responsibility and organizational talent. You will be able to pursue your goals with care and deliberation. It's a good time to get together with women in groups, and discuss important issues.
This aspect allows your relationship to deepen and become more committed. It is even a good time for a marriage proposal and wedding. You may even fall in love with someone through work. You can now ask for business favors from those who hold power over you. It's a good time to see a dermatologist and purchase products that make your skin feel healthy and good. You may just want to call your dad, or a fatherly figure, and treat them to dinner!
The Capricorn Moon gives us seriousness, deliberation, concentration, and determination. Even ambitious goals can be a little closer. Duty calls, private life is neglected. There is a short time for enjoyment and leisure.
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