Buzz Aldrin (*1930), David Lynch (*1946), Federico Fellini (1920-1993), Patricia Neal (1926-2010), Gary Barlow (*1971), Omar Sy (*1978), Evan Peters (*1987), Bill Maher (*1956)
Saint's day
Weather Proverb
The zodiac sign is changing at 8:11 AM:
→ Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
蛇 Water Snake
25,955 days ago (71 years 22 days)
Daily aspects
Moon ⚹ Jupiter |
Sun → Aquarius |
Moon Square Mars |
Daily aspects

This is a wonderful time to get together with family and share, and remember, joyous memories. Business opportunities are abound, and good money can be made. It's a wonderful time to decorate your home, or look at buying a beach house, or something close to the ocean. It's a good time for romance. International travel can occur, and plans should go smoothly! You may want to adopt a pet to snuggle up close to.

All info about zodiac sign Aquarius

This Square could easily make you excited, argumentative, and hasty. Disagreements with the opposite sex may occur. You could waste money, repress your emotions, and feel moody and passionate. If you are female and menstruating, there may be a lot of bleeding, and you may experience a lot of pain, and tender breasts.
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