Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
狗 Earth Dog
2,065 days ago (5 years, 7 months, 26 days)
Daily aspects
Moon → Aries |
Moon Trine Venus |
Moon Conjunction Mars |
Daily aspects
The Aries Moon transforms us into a bundle of energy and gives us confidence in our own skills. We act spontaneously, but also responsibly, and we have a bright, sharp mind. With elan, we start new projects and have high assertiveness. Now it is the best time to tackle difficult things.
In terms of love and marriage, this is a unique aspect, as it is an auspicious time to get married. Your feeling of love is reliable, and you are adaptable and courteous. You are in a cheerful mood, care for your family, and avoid arguments and conflicts. You will also definitely enjoy the pleasures of food!
This conjunction can make you irritable, violent, boastful, gossipy, but also passionate. Muscular inner tension could be noticeable, marital problems or a seperation can occur, and you may experience susceptibility to illness.
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