Jules Verne (1828 -1905), James Dean (1931-1955), Nick Nolte (1941), Franz Marc (1880-1960), Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907), Jack Lemmon (1925-2001), Seth Green (*1974), John Grisham (*1955)
Saint's day
Birthday: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Water Tiger
942 days ago (2 years, 6 months, 30 days)
Daily aspects
You may experience indigestion during this square, so "heavy" foods like red meat should be avoided. Try stick to low GI food to keep your energy up. You should cancel any important meetings you have with women, and definitely don't sign business contracts - especially if it has to do with feminine products. You may feel very teary and depressed, so lay off the candy and alcohol. It's best to exercise and take walks in nature right now, and spend time with pets that give you unconditional love.
This aspect can lead to family problems, health disorders, difficulties at work, discomfort with the opposite sex, and public disagreements. It is highly important to think before you act or react. It can also cause pain in the womb, especially during "that time of the month" for young ladies and women.
You are spontaneous, think progressively, and are interested in everything technical. Mars Trine Uranus gives rise to lots of motivation towards getting in shape, and working on personal development. You may be given a leadership role in the technological sphere, if that is the career you work in. It is a great time to go out, meet new friends and have a lot of fun!
During this transit, time should be taken out to visit any relatives, or friends, that are currently in hospital, old age homes, or institutions. You will feel very charitable, and should spend time volunteering at animal shelters, and giving your time at soup kitchens. You will feel very close to your female friends, and may even be attracted to them. It is a perfect time for creative expression. Spending time on the beach will bring a lot of joy and relaxation, especially meditating there at sunrise.
This Trine gives you excellent learning skills, a sound mind, quick wit, language skills, and good judgment. Your intelligence is powerful. You practice independent and practical thinking and are open to everything new. It's an excellent time to go on a road trip.
Your emotional life is active during this time but could be one-sided. You experience the awakening of your feelings. You might feel the desire to experience adventures, extreme actions, traveling, and discovering new places. It is an excellent time for discarding items you no longer need or use at home. You may desire a beauty makeover!
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