Welcome to the Fortune Horoscope for September 23 to 29, 2024 ! This week, the stars have special surprises in store for us. Some birthdays are favored by multiple planets, and can look forward to an extra dose of fortune and positive energy.
If your birthday falls on January 18 or 19 , May 18 or 19 , July 20 , or November 19 or 20 , you have every reason to rejoice! Being born these days means you're positively influenced by three planets this week - Mercury , Uranus , and Neptune . This can have a particularly favorable effect on communication , creative ideas , and unexpected opportunities .
Mercury and Uranus also influence birthdays on January 17 , March 16 to 18 , May 17 to 19 , July 18 to 19 , September 19 to 21 , and November 18 . This promises fresh impulses and surprising twists in various areas of life.
Find out now which planetary energies are affecting you this week and whether you belong to the fortunate ones of the week!
Mercury: Career, Communication, Ideas, Money
Mercury influences our thinking , speaking , and actions . As the ruler of the zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo , he is the master of communication and intellect . He plays a decisive role in our career and is important for all kinds of financial matters . Additionally, Mercury enhances our ability to develop new ideas and adapt to changes.
Dates of birth
- Mercury:Career,Communication,Ideas,MoneyMercuryinfluencesour thinking, speaking,and actions.Astherulerofthezodiacsigns Gemini and Virgo,heisthemasterof communication and intellect.Heplaysadecisiveroleinour career andisimportantforallkindsof financialmatters.Additionally,Mercuryenhancesourabilitytodevelop newideas andadapttochanges.
- March 13 - March 27
- May 13 - May 28
- July 15 - July 29
- September 15 - September 29
- November 15 - November 28
- January 14 - January 26
Venus: love, pleasure, harmony
Venus bestows upon us not only love but also deep sensations of beauty and happiness . As the ruler of the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra , she promotes harmony and balance in our lives. Additionally, she grants us a fortunate touch in financial matters and enriches our daily lives with joy and pleasure .
Dates of birth
- Venus:love,pleasure,harmonyVenusbestowsuponusnotonly love butalsodeepsensationsof beauty and happiness.Astherulerofthezodiacsigns Taurus and Libra,shepromotes harmony andbalanceinourlives.Additionally,shegrantsusa fortunatetouch infinancialmattersandenrichesourdailyliveswith joy and pleasure.
- April 21 - April 28
- June 20 - June 30
- August 24 - August 31
- October 24 - November 1
- December 22 - December 29
- February 20 - February 27
Mars: energy, drive
Mars is the planet of energy and drive . As the ruler of the zodiac sign Aries , he embodies courage , determination , and assertiveness . He ignites in us the impulse to take initiative and pursue our goals with passion . Mars strengthens our ability to overcome challenges and gives us the strength to carry out our endeavors boldly and fearlessly .
Dates of birth
- Mars:energy,driveMarsistheplanetof energy and drive.Astherulerofthezodiacsign Aries,heembodies courage, determination,and assertiveness.Heignitesinustheimpulsetotake initiative andpursueourgoalswith passion.Marsstrengthensourabilitytoovercome challenges andgivesusthestrengthtocarryoutourendeavors boldly and fearlessly.
- April 29 - May 4
- July 1 - July 6
- September 2 - September 7
- November 2 - November 6
- December 31 - January 4
- February 29 - March 4
Jupiter: Fortune in All Areas of Life
Jupiter is the planet of great fortune and abundance . As the ruler of the zodiac sign Sagittarius , he stands for growth , optimism , and wisdom . He brings us fortune in all areas of life, especially to those who strive for idealistic goals and remain committed. Jupiter promotes generosity , success , and expands our horizons .
Dates of birth
- Jupiter:FortuneinAllAreasofLifeJupiteristheplanetofgreat fortune and abundance.Astherulerofthezodiacsign Sagittarius,hestandsfor growth, optimism,and wisdom.Hebringsusfortuneinallareasoflife,especiallytothosewhostrivefor idealisticgoals andremaincommitted.Jupiterpromotes generosity, success,andexpandsour horizons.
- April 9 - April 11
- June 9 - June 11
- August 12 - August 14
- October 13 - October 15
- December 11 - December 13
- February 9 - February 11
Uranus: Positive surprises
Uranus is the planet of change and innovation . As the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius , it stands for freedom , originality and unconventional thinking . It brings about surprising and ingenious ideas that can lead to sudden changes. Uranus promotes progress and works to accelerate the development of humanity by encouraging us to break old patterns and new ground .
Dates of birth
- Uranus:PositivesurprisesUranusistheplanetof change and innovation.Astherulerofthezodiacsign Aquarius,itstandsfor freedom, originality and unconventionalthinking.Itbringsaboutsurprisingandingenious ideas thatcanleadtosuddenchanges.Uranuspromotes progress andworkstoacceleratethedevelopmentofhumanitybyencouragingusto breakoldpatterns and newground.
- May 17 - May 19
- July 18 - July 20
- September 19 - September 21
- November 18 - November 20
- January 17 - January 19
- March 16 - March 18
Neptune: inspiration, creativity
Neptune is the planet of dreams and fantasy . As the ruler of the zodiac sign Pisces , he stands for imagination , dreams , and delusion . He brings about creativity and affects the masses . Neptune promotes a return to nature and is committed to psychic development, spirituality and affecting many by thinking out of the box.
Dates of birth
- Neptune:inspiration,creativityNeptuneistheplanetof dreams and fantasy.Astherulerofthezodiacsign Pisces,hestandsfor imagination, dreams,and delusion.Hebringsabout creativity and affectsthemasses. Neptune promotes areturntonature andiscommittedtopsychicdevelopment,spiritualityandaffectingmanybythinkingoutofthebox.
- May 18 - May 20
- July 20 - July 22
- November 19 - November 21
- January 18 - January 20
Thoughts on Fortune
"Only the soul that loves is happy."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)
"Happiness often arises from paying attention to small things."
Wilhelm Busch (1832–1908)
"Not the happy are grateful. It is the grateful who are happy."
Francis Bacon (1561–1626)
"Happiness does not consist of doing what you want but wanting what you do."
Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910)
"Our happiness depends on the quality of our thoughts."
Marcus Aurelius (121–180 AD)
"The path to happiness is worrying about nothing beyond our control."
Epictetus (c. 50–138 AD)
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved."
Victor Hugo (1802–1885)
"Happiness is the ability to recognize it."
Anatole France (1844–1924)
"Happiness is the only thing we can give without having it ourselves."
Carmen Sylva (1843–1916)
"Fortune favors the bold."
Virgil (70–19 BC)
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