Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
鼠 Metal Rat
1,390 days ago (3 years, 9 months, 21 days)
Today is a quiet day, there are no changing aspects.
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Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
鼠 Metal Rat
1,390 days ago (3 years, 9 months, 21 days)
Today is a quiet day, there are no changing aspects.
Please choose a day:
Darkest moment It is the darkest moment of the night. Sun is in the lowest position. |
Night ends The morning astronomical twilight starts. |
Nautical Dawn The morning nautical twilight starts. |
Dawn Morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts. |
Sunrise Top edge of the sun appears on the horizon |
Sunrise ends Bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon. |
Morning golden hour ends Soft light - the best time for photography. |
Solar noon The sun is in the highest position. |
Evening golden hour starts |
Sunset starts The bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon. |
Sunset Sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts. |
Dusk Evening nautical twilight starts. |
Nautical dusk Evening astronomical twilight starts. |
Night It is dark enough for astronomical observations. |
The times were calculated for 28° 37' N, 77° 12' O, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (UTC +5.5)
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