The Great Planet Jupiter
When you look at the planet Jupiter, there are things to remember... Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, and in our natal charts, it has a huge influence over our nature and actions. In Greek mythology, Jupiter is known as the greatest god, Zeus, who sits on his throne overlooking Mount Olympus and all the humans down below. He is the son of the great Titan, Cronus, and brother to some of the greatest gods, including Poseidon and Hades.
Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter naturally rules Sagittarius, which is all about higher learning and travel. When it finds itself in Gemini, it opens up learning, cultural diversity, travel, and a return to the written word and books. It is a time when teachers will be recognized. But what does it mean for your particular Sun Sign? Let's take a look...
Jupiter's Effect Over the Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
If you are an Aries , Jupiter in Gemini will sharpen your mind and speed up your actions. Since you mostly enjoy sport, it is a great time to train as you will be faster, especially in track and field. It is a good time to become an influencer if you wish to be involved with sports and publish as much content via social media as possible.
As a Leo , Jupiter in Gemini will possibly speed up any medical processes you are going through related to children, so you can expect faster answers.
You will also be able to communicate more efficiently and should take every opportunity to get up on stage and speak to an audience. It's also a great time to dig into creative endeavors and explore new hobbies.
Sagittarius , you will benefit greatly from Jupiter in Gemini. You love learning, and this is the perfect time to start studying. You may want to study something new or make your general degree a master's degree. International travel will be on the agenda, and you should dive into cultural diversity as this will affect your life greatly and open your eyes to new wonders. It's also a good time to open a new business if it involves media, content, publishing, or even writing your own book.
Jupiter's Effect Over the Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
If you are a Taurus
, Jupiter in Gemini creates a extile to your Sun Sign
. This energy opens up your potential to be more fluid and not so fixed regarding your daily decisions. Since Jupiter moves from your sign into Gemini, you will be more motivated to exercise, follow a healthier lifestyle, and eat much healthier.
As a Virgo , Jupiter in Gemini sharpens your mind. You will appreciate the efficiency it gives to your life. You may be urged to buy more books and open your mind to new things. This energy pulls you out of your introverted nature and makes you want to socialize more.
Capricorn , Jupiter in Gemini lifts your mood and allows you to make light of more situations in your life. This powerful energy will help you delegate more workplace and home duties. It is a good time to look through your book collection, organize it, label items, and put things away where they need to be.
Jupiter's Effect Over the Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
If you are a Gemini , Jupiter in Gemini creates a conjunction and an enormous surge of energy and power for you. You must take advantage of this and brush up on communication skills, even by taking online courses for this. Learn new languages, travel, study, and look at learning how to drive or buy a new car. Jupiter provides all of this for you. Now is also the time to connect with siblings and make friends with neighbors.
As a Libra , Jupiter in Gemini, offers the opportunity to connect more with romantic partners. It's a great time to download those dating apps and meet as many people as possible.
There is a great opportunity to make new friends or meet the perfect partner to travel the world with. You may even connect with someone and create a long-distance relationship. It is a good time to study law if this interests you.
Aquarius , your mind will be infused with electric sparks while Jupiter is in Gemini, making a trine to you. You will rush to get things done but will do this well. It's time to communicate with colleagues and make things happen. It is a great time to create start-ups, new apps, and anything to do with social media apps. Keep a diary, create a vision board, and plan ways to elevate your life to its best version.
Jupiter's Effect Over the Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
If you are a Cancer , Jupiter in Gemini creates an energy to leave the comfort of your home and go out and socialize more. You will also be motivated to exercise more and eat healthier. As a Cancer, you love your family, and you should take the time to connect with your siblings and spend as much time with them as possible.
As a Scorpio , Jupiter in Gemini allows your deep intensity to lighten. You will also be able to socialize more and discuss lighter topics than your typically deep conversations. Jupiter in Gemini will make you slightly uneasy as you are so fixed and stubborn at times, and this energy allows you to be more fluid.
Pisces , now is the time to study new subjects and courses if you so wish. Jupiter in Gemini allows this. It's also a good time to get your driver's license or buy a new car. It is time to stop hibernating, get out of your comfort zone, and meet new people - as hard as that can feel. If you have brothers or sisters, you must make stronger connections with them that will last a lifetime. Taking care of your nervous system during this period and taking vitamins such as Omega 3 will be important for better brain health.
Jupiter's to Planets
When Jupiter enters Gemini, it conjuncts Venus at 2 degrees and the Sun at 5 degrees . That gives Jupiter's entrance in Gemini beautiful energy to communicate effectively and in harmony, and it is also a wonderful time to beautify yourself. You may want to buy new trendier clothes, get your hair and nails done, and even treat yourself at a spa.
At the same time, Mars is in Aries at 19 degrees, conjunct Chiron and the North Node. This will add to the energy that Jupiter provides. If you feel uneasy at all, it's important to avoid mind-altering substances such as alcohol and the like. Try to make as healthy choices as possible until July 12th, when it enters Taurus.
Now that you know how Jupiter in Gemini will affect you, apply the above advice to your life to make it the best it can be! Remember, the energy is lighter here, so take advantage of that and become more fluid and open to change. The world will be your oyster!
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