Simone de Beauvoir
Simone de Beauvoir (9 January 1908 - 14 April 1986) was a French writer, philosopher, and feminist. She was known for her work on the relationship between men and women and the social constructions of gender. One of her most famous works is "The Other Sex" (1949), in which she presents the ideas of the "second creation" and "other freedom." She was with Jean-Paul Sartre.
Other birthdays of famous personalities
- Sean Paul (9 January 1973, musician)
- Richard Nixon (9 January 1913 - 22 April 1994, politician)
- Jimmy Page (9 January 1944, musician)
- J. K. Simmons (9 January 1955, actor)
Saint's day
- Julian
- Eulogio
- Alexia
- Gregor
Weather Proverb
Saint Julian breaks the ice, or he brings it with him from his rice.
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
鼠 Metal Rat
1,344 days ago (3 years, 8 months, 5 days)
Daily aspects
If Mercury stands in Aquarius, we may be given originality, intuition, and vast knowledge of human nature. Or instead, we will be thinking too abstractly. Independence is particularly important now. We are more friendly and interested in art.
When Venus enters Capricorn, we become rather serious, melancholic, and jealous. We are a calculator in the love field, ambitious and eager for recognition and honor. There may be strong passions, but inhibitions can occur at times. We are drawn to the elderly and those of higher social standing.
Your energy will feel slightly passive today, and you will be able to think rationally acting with your head, instead of just your emotions. You will treat your fellow human beings as equals. Employer and employee relationships will run smoothly. You feel at home everywhere during this time. Relatives and friends are helpful, so you should turn to them, but quickly because, unfortunately, this aspect does not last long.
The Trine between the Moon and Neptune gives you an active imagination, good empathy, and an excellent understanding of art. You are attractive, dreamy, and enthusiastic. It's a great time for writing down your goals in life, meditation, psychic practice, reading tarot cards, practicing astrology, and making love till all hours of the morning.
This aspect offers a great opportunity to work with charitable organisations and those that need help, including animals. You may feel very artistically inspired, and will create amazing works of art, pieces of music, or even written stories, or video content. It's a wonderful time for spiritual awakening. You'll be able to intuitively read the minds of those you love. It's a good time for going on dates, as there will be intuitive rapport between you.
This transit between the Moon and Pluto awakens your sentimental nature. You enjoy adventures and extreme actions. Your emotional life is very distinctive. The desire to travel awakens within you. You may go through a positive transformation of the mind. Dealings with taxes and joint finances will have a positive outcome.
The square between Mercury and Mars can make you nervous, aggressive, easily excitable, very open to criticism, exaggerating in your expressions and communication with others, intolerant, untruthful, and sarcastic.
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