The zodiac sign is changing at 10:47 am:
→ Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Water Tiger
760 days ago (2 years 29 days)
Daily aspects
All info about zodiac sign Capricorn
During this aspect, it is not a good time to invest in business. You may want to do many pleasurable things that will do you harm - such as going out clubbing till early hours of the morning, or drinking, or even eating too much with friends. You may have an inflated ego, and have narcissistic tendencies.
This opposition can excite you and make you belligerent and hasty. You may argue with the opposite sex, however, a lot of passion may occur. There can be a separation from your wife or mother. It is very easy to overspend during this transit. You may also repress feelings, and experience moodiness.
The Trine between Venus and Uranus makes you sensitive to love and your emotional life. You connect with others quickly, and can devote yourself to amusements and material things. You also may develop a passion for art, and are very romantic.
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