Mika (*1983), Sarita Choudhury (*1966), Christian Slater (*1969), Edward Norton (*1969), Malcolm-Jamal Warner (*1970)
Saint's day
Helena (e)
Birthday: Leo
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Water Tiger
762 days ago (2 years, 1 month)
Daily aspects
Moon Square Venus |
Venus Trine Jupiter |
Daily aspects
This is a not a good time to bond with others emotionally. You may have arguments with your mother, or motherly figure, as well as other females. If you are creative, you may paint objects, portraits, or landscapes, only to be disappointed in what you have made and destroy it afterwards. If you are female, you may experience period cramps and excessive PMS irritability and aggression.
The Trine between Venus and Jupiter is a perfect aspect. You are friendly, warm, graceful, and idealistic. It's also a great time for love and marriage. You feel very comfortable in life, with most of your senses pleasured. It's a great time to book a massage at a spa and enjoy!
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