Oliver Hardy (1892-1957), Kevin Costner (*1955), Montesquieu (1689-1755), Cary Grant (1904-1986), John Hume (*1937), Phillip Boa (*1963), Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), Danny Kaye (1911-1987), Jason Segel (*1980)
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Water Tiger
662 days ago (1 year, 9 months, 23 days)
Daily aspects
Your energy will feel slightly passive today, and you will be able to think rationally acting with your head, instead of just your emotions. You will treat your fellow human beings as equals. Employer and employee relationships will run smoothly. You feel at home everywhere during this time. Relatives and friends are helpful, so you should turn to them, but quickly because, unfortunately, this aspect does not last long.
This transit between the Moon and Pluto awakens your sentimental nature. You enjoy adventures and extreme actions. Your emotional life is very distinctive. The desire to travel awakens within you. You may go through a positive transformation of the mind. Dealings with taxes and joint finances will have a positive outcome.
The Sagittarius moon makes us spirited and fiery. One is somewhat restless and inconsistent these days. The Sagittarius Moon is an excellent period to educate ourselves and deal with the highest things in life.
This is a very favorable transit. It can bring you social success, as well as financial opportunities. You have a positive vibe and outlook on life, are sincere, and enjoy popularity. You can carry out philanthropic activities with ease. You are attractive, optimistic and have artistic interests. It's a great time for going out on dates and meeting your future spouse!
This opposition can excite you and make you belligerent and hasty. You may argue with the opposite sex, however, a lot of passion may occur. There can be a separation from your wife or mother. It is very easy to overspend during this transit. You may also repress feelings, and experience moodiness.
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