Alexandre Dumas, fils (1824 – 1895), Pina Bausch (1940 – 2009), Betty Thomas (*1948), Julian McMahon (*1968), Taylor Schilling (*1984), Cliff Curtis (*1968)
Birthday: Leo
Chinese zodiac sign:
龍 Wood Dragon
45 days ago (1 month, 14 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Trine Venus |
Moon → Taurus |
Moon Square Pluto |
Moon Trine Mercury |
Daily aspects
In terms of love and marriage, this is a unique aspect, as it is an auspicious time to get married. Your feeling of love is reliable, and you are adaptable and courteous. You are in a cheerful mood, care for your family, and avoid arguments and conflicts. You will also definitely enjoy the pleasures of food!
The Taurus Moon helps us to preserve and increase money and material possessions. Security, compatibility, holding on to family are essential to us. These days we are very focused on our family and our home. And enjoyment in all areas is paramount.
This transit can cause you to feel emotionally violent and aggressive. You may want to lash out, especially if you are female, to anyone who oppresses you, from your husband to your boss. There may be disagreements over joint finances, inheritances, alimony and taxes. If your pet shows any signs of illness, it's best to take it to the vet.
This Trine gives you excellent learning skills, a sound mind, quick wit, language skills, and good judgment. Your intelligence is powerful. You practice independent and practical thinking and are open to everything new. It's an excellent time to go on a road trip.
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