
These 5 Signs Benefit Most from Mercury in Aquarius

How This Affects Your Life
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Mercury in Aquarius
Photo: © midjourney

These 5 Signs Will Benefit Most from Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury enters Aquarius on February 5th, 2024 , and will remain there until February 24th, 2024 . This is wonderful for Mercury, which is exalted in Aquarius. Mercury is all about the mind, and there is no other Astrological Sign more focused on the mind than Aquarius, which births electricity, technology, and advancement in the world. But how will this affect you?


The Mythology Between Mercury and Aquarius

First, let us take two steps back and look at the relationship between Mercury and Aquarius. Mercury is Hermes in Greek mythology, and Aquarius is the great father of the sky, Ouranos, who birthed all the Greek gods. Hermes was the fastest god able to pass on messages between worlds, and Ouranos had enormous power. Ouranos was Hermes’ great-grandfather.  

These 5 Signs Love Mercury in Aquarius


Geminis will enjoy this energy since Mercury rules them. Their communication and thought processes will run even faster but in a clear dimension. It is a great time to create content, market their products, let the public know who they are, and even sign up to further their studies. If you are a Gemini, it is a great time to upgrade your car, preferably to a smart model that will make life more convenient for you on the road.


Librans will feel the effect of Mercury in Aquarius in a big way. This trine between the great Air Signs will sharpen Librans’ thoughts so that they can make decisions more easily. They will be able to balance things and thoughts more easily. It is a particularly good time for Librans who practice law and need to make serious decisions. The path is clearer now.



Aquarians will enjoy the massive benefits, of course. This period offers opportunities for immense personal growth . The mind will be “electric” with new ideas on how to elevate everything that affects their lives.




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Work will go well, especially if they are in the tech field, and inspired ideas will flow. It is even a great time to create a new start-up or gather a team of people to make a cohesive workflow that will result in great success! It is also a wonderful time for Aquarians to create vision boards, spend time with friends, and have a good time occasionally away from too much responsibility.



Aries people, the first of the Fire element, will benefit from Mercury in Aquarius energy as they are such an active Sign. They will now be able to pause and think before reacting to situations. It will make them more rational , which is sometimes good for Aries. If they are leaders in the workplace, they will be able to strategize and delegate tasks better than usual. If they are involved in sports, they will be able to elevate their game and push a little harder.


Sagittarians will feel this energy strongly. Mercury in Aquarius’ energy will help move their energy, which often has no boundaries, in a way that focuses on solutions easily. They will see the answer, like the Greek mathematician and physician Archimedes shouting out “Eureka,” and their luck will triple in intellectual matters. They may be accepted to places that offer higher learning. It is also a good time to apply to such places. Travel should also be on the agenda to destinations like Sri Lanka, Hamburg, New Zealand, and Sweden, all ruled by Aquarius.   


These Signs May Struggle with Mercury in Aquarius


Let’s start with Earth Sign Taurus. This is a Fixed Sign that Squares Fixed Sign Aquarius. There is a natural stubbornness in the air, a feeling of not wanting to go forward with ideas and not listening to others (more than usual) – even if those ideas are fantastic!


Scorpio, another Fixed Sign of the Water Element, does not like Mercury in Aquarius. Again, this energy Squares it and makes Scorpios not feel quite like themselves. Scorpio is all about deep feelings and getting down to the nitty-gritty when it comes to piercing others’ souls. Mercury in Aquarius forces them to step back and, just like Aries, become more rational in their thinking.

However, for Scorpio empaths who absorb other’s energy and energy of the spirit realm, it is a good time to protect their energy from any negativity that comes from these places. Visiting a crystal shop and purchasing a Black Tourmaline pendant to hang from their necks is wise.




Mercury in Aquarius

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Mercury in Aquarius creates a natural Opposition for Leos. As a Leo, all you want to do is shine, and the thought process is all about grabbing the spotlight. However, with Mercury in Aquarius, thoughts must focus on others and improving their lives. Leos are so generous that this can be an easy task.

Final Thoughts on Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius, as stated earlier, is exalted and exceptionally happy in this placement. No matter your Sign, take this energy that flows like electricity and use it for rational thought, planning, and elevating any plans to the next level. It is time for the movement of any static energy and time to create practical “magic!”  


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Exciting news and background information from the world of astrology. Current planetary positions and constellations.