Justin Timberlake (*1982) Jan Hofer (*1952), Wolfgang Stumph (* 1946), Beatrix (* 1938), Theodor Heuss (*1884 - † 1963)
Birthday: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
牛 Metal Ox
958 days ago (2 years, 7 months, 15 days)
Daily aspects
This aspect can make you eccentric, quirky, easily irritable, impulsive, and rash. You easily offend or oppose public life. Conflicts with romantic interests could occur, and you could question your sexual orientation. Relationships you start during this time are likely to break up quickly. Impulsiveness creates the risk of accidents.
During this transit, time should be taken out to visit any relatives, or friends, that are currently in hospital, old age homes, or institutions. You will feel very charitable, and should spend time volunteering at animal shelters, and giving your time at soup kitchens. You will feel very close to your female friends, and may even be attracted to them. It is a perfect time for creative expression. Spending time on the beach will bring a lot of joy and relaxation, especially meditating there at sunrise.
This aspect is a good starting point, and a basis for all business, since you are mentally active, and have good judgment. All preparation for business will lead to success! It is also a good time to communicate emotions effectively to loved ones.
This transit can cause you to be depressed, and search for low-level forms of enjoyment, such as watching intimate acts online. You may hook up with others for intimate pleasure, to make you feel better about yourself and desired. It's important to use protection at all costs. Violent outbursts of emotion can affect relationships during this time. Women may want to change things about you, and you could get involved in tax affairs, as well as the affairs of other people's money.
Fun and entertainment are the order of the day at Aquarius Moon. The relationship with friends, fraternity, and social issues touch us deeply. Now it is the best time to do something crazy together, but also to get involved in social causes.
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