
11 Oca 2024 - Astrology Calendar

All Moon and Planet Constellations / Aspects and Transits for 11 Ocak 2024
11 Oca 2024 - Astrology Calendar
Photo: © ©Melinda Nagy - -


William James

William James (11 January 1842 in New York City - 26 August 1910) was an American philosopher and psychologist. He was responsible for introducing the field of psychology to US universities. He wrote important books on psychology, including Principles of Psychology. He was one of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism and his work in psychology and philosophy exerted great influence.

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Saint's day

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11 Ocak 2024 Perşembe

Sun Ocak 2024

Birthday: Capricorn

Chinese zodiac sign:
兔 Water Rabbit

404 days ago (1 year, 1 month, 7 days)

Daily aspects

Moon Trine Uranus

New Moon (Capricorn)

Moon ⚹ Neptune


New Moon (


Daily aspects

Moon (Capricorn) Trine Uranus (Taurus)  | Photo: ©
Moon (Capricorn) Trine Uranus (Taurus)

This Trine between the Moon and Uranus gives you great attention, persuasiveness, ambition, creativity and originality. You go your own way, and look for new methods of doing things. You are determined, imaginative, keen to travel, and optimistic! This transit also lends itself to great opportunities for creating advertising campaigns geared at women!

New Moon (Capricorn) | Photo: © makasana photo -
New Moon (Capricorn)

Emotions rule. Relationships run harmoniously, as the feminine side is emphasized. Male and female energy combine, making you assertive, yet gentle with all dealings with other people. 

Moon (Capricorn) ⚹ Neptune (Pisces)  | Photo: ©
Moon (Capricorn) ⚹extile Neptune (Pisces)

During this transit, time should be taken out to visit any relatives, or friends, that are currently in hospital, old age homes, or institutions. You will feel very charitable, and should spend time volunteering at animal shelters, and giving your time at soup kitchens. You will feel very close to your female friends, and may even be attracted to them. It is a perfect time for creative expression. Spending time on the beach will bring a lot of joy and relaxation, especially meditating there at sunrise.

Current timezone: Europe/Istanbul (UTC +03:00). change timezone


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The Sun on 11 Oca 2024

Darkest moment
It is the darkest moment of the night. Sun is in the lowest position.
Night ends
The morning astronomical twilight starts.
Nautical Dawn
The morning nautical twilight starts.
Morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts.
Top edge of the sun appears on the horizon
Sunrise ends
Bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Morning golden hour ends
Soft light - the best time for photography.
Solar noon
The sun is in the highest position.
Evening golden hour starts
Sunset starts
The bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts.
Evening nautical twilight starts.
Nautical dusk
Evening astronomical twilight starts.
It is dark enough for astronomical observations.

The times were calculated for 39° 55' N, 32° 51' O, Timezone: Europe/Istanbul (UTC +3)

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