Oliver Hardy (1892-1957), Kevin Costner (*1955), Montesquieu (1689-1755), Cary Grant (1904-1986), John Hume (*1937), Phillip Boa (*1963), Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), Danny Kaye (1911-1987), Jason Segel (*1980)
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Fire Tiger
35,826 days ago (98 years, 1 month)
Daily aspects
Moon → Leo |
Jupiter → Pisces |
Moon Trine Saturn |
Daily aspects

The Leo Moon makes us dominant and confident. Since Leo is the symbol of self-expression, theater, and stage, we can define the orientation as external. You can be very creative. But flirting, pleasure and enjoyment are also part of those Leo days after all the whole world is ultimately one big stage and we are all actors.

When Jupiter is in Pisces, we love peace. We like to work in loneliness. Our scientific talent comes out. We develop our love for art, literature, and music and are interested in everything paranormal. But our clairvoyant powers and our high meditation power also come to light. Our sensitive nature is shown, and we are friendly and kind people. But we can also be weak-willed, depraved, and inclined to vice.

This is an excellent time to conduct business meetings - especially if you need to sell ideas with people who hold a lot of respect and authority. Women in power could help you now. Any matters that need emotional control should be handled, as you will feel mentally strong. Financial decisions come easy now, as you won't make any extravagant, or unnecessary, purchases.
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