Till Lindemann
Till Lindemann is a German musician and singer best known for his work as the frontman of the band Rammstein . He was born on 4 January 1963 in Leipzig and began his career as a drummer and singer in various punk and rock bands. With the formation of Rammstein in 1994, the band quickly established itself as one of the most successful and provocative in Germany and beyond. Lindemann's distinctive voice and extreme stage performance are characteristic of Rammstein and have earned him a large fan base. The band has released seven studio albums to date, including "Herzeleid" (1995), "Mutter" (2001), and "Liebe ist für alle da" (2009). Lindemann has also worked solo, releasing the album "Skills in Pills" in 2018.
More birthdays
- John McLaughlin (4 January 1942, guitarist, composer, and music producer)
- Julia Ormond (4 January 1965, actress)
- Michael Stipe (4 January 1960, singer, songwriter, and music producer)
- Patty Loveless (4 January 1957, country singer)
- Jacob Grimm (4 January 1785 - 20 September 1863, philologist, jurist and mythologist)
Saint's day
- Angelica /Angela (lat. "The angelic one")
- Roger (Old High "Glory")
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
牛 Earth Ox
27,278 days ago (74 years, 8 months, 6 days)
Daily aspects
Full Moon (Cancer) |
Moon Square Neptune |
Moon ⚹ Saturn |
Daily aspects
It's easy to get irritated and moody. Family disputes can occur every day. You will experience difficulty in finding peace. You will feel confused, as you will not fully be able to think with your head, or feel with your heart. Choosing clothes to wear for the day may be difficult, as you may find it hard deciding on whether you want to wear a more feminine or masculine look.
This transit can cause a dreamy disposition, passive attitude, tendency to self-deception, imbalance, hypersensitivity, weakened instinctual life, and nervous disorders. You could also get lost in wishful thinking. Try not watch horror movies during this time, as it may disturb you, and could lead to vivid nightmares.
This transit increases your sense of responsibility and organizational talent. You will be able to pursue your goals with care and deliberation. It's a good time to get together with women in groups, and discuss important issues.
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