
Jan 30, 2051 - Astrology Calendar

All Moon and Planet Constellations / Aspects and Transits for January 30, 2051
Jan 30, 2051 - Astrology Calendar
Photo: © KATALINKS -


Phil Collins (* 1951),  Vanessa Redgrave (* 1937) Christian Bale (*1974),  Heidi Brühl (1942-1991),  Gene Hackman (*1930),  Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

Monday, January 30, 2051

Sun January 2051

Birthday: Aquarius

In 9,477 days (25 years, 11 months, 12 days)

Daily aspects

Mercury → Aquarius

Moon Conjunction Uranus

Moon Trine Neptune


Waning Gibbous


Daily aspects

Mercury → Aquarius

If Mercury stands in Aquarius, we may be given originality, intuition, and vast knowledge of human nature. Or instead, we will be thinking too abstractly. Independence is particularly important now. We are more friendly and interested in art.

Moon (Virgo) Conjunction Uranus (Virgo)  | Photo: © Yuliya Yafimik -
Moon (Virgo) Conjunction Uranus (Virgo)

This transit can cause a lack of inner balance, unreasonable views, and strange habits. However, romantic love affairs could also appear in your life. Don't be surprised if you get unannounced visitors at your house, such as female friends or relatives! You have the potential to gain, or lose, money unexpectadly right now. 

Moon (Virgo) Trine Neptune (Taurus)  | Photo: ©
Moon (Virgo) Trine Neptune (Taurus)

The Trine between the Moon and Neptune gives you an active imagination, good empathy, and an excellent understanding of art. You are attractive, dreamy, and enthusiastic. It's a great time for writing down your goals in life, meditation, psychic practice, reading tarot cards, practicing astrology, and making love till all hours of the morning. 

Current timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -06:00). change timezone


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The Sun on Jan 30, 2051

Darkest moment
It is the darkest moment of the night. Sun is in the lowest position.
Night ends
The morning astronomical twilight starts.
Nautical Dawn
The morning nautical twilight starts.
Morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts.
Top edge of the sun appears on the horizon
Sunrise ends
Bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Morning golden hour ends
Soft light - the best time for photography.
Solar noon
The sun is in the highest position.
Evening golden hour starts
Sunset starts
The bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon.
Sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts.
Evening nautical twilight starts.
Nautical dusk
Evening astronomical twilight starts.
It is dark enough for astronomical observations.

The times were calculated for 38° 33' N, -91° 00' W, Timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -6)

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