Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849), Simon Rattle (*1955), Paul Cézanne (1839-1906), Tippi Hedren (*1930), Katey Sagal (*1954), Dolly Parton (*1946), Janis Joplin (1943-1970)
Saint's day
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
雞 Water Rooster
33,107 days ago (90 years, 7 months, 22 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Trine Pluto |
Daily aspects
Your emotional life is active during this time but could be one-sided. You experience the awakening of your feelings. You might feel the desire to experience adventures, extreme actions, traveling, and discovering new places. It is an excellent time for discarding items you no longer need or use at home. You may desire a beauty makeover!
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