Umberto Eco
Umberto Eco was an Italian writer, philosopher, and semiotician born in Alessandria on 5 January 1932 . He studied media studies and philosophy at the University of Turin and was a professor of semiotics at various universities in Italy and France. Eco is best known for his novels "The Name of the Rose " (1980), "The Foucault Pendulum " (1988), and "The Cemetery in Prague " (2010), all of which have been translated into numerous languages and have become worldwide bestsellers. His works are characterized by their historical, philosophical, and literary allusions and often play with the concept of perception and the interpretation of signs and symbols. Eco died in Milan on 19 February 2016.
Other birthdays
- Friedrich Dürrenmatt (5 January 1921 - 14 December 1990, writer, playwright, and actor)
- Diane Keaton (5 January 1946, actress)
- Bradley Cooper (5 January 1975, actor, director, producer)
- Konrad Adenauer (5 January 1876 - 19 April 1967, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany)
- DJ BoBo (5 January 1968, singer, songwriter, and music producer)
- deadmau5 (5 January 1981, DJ and music producer)
- Robert Duvall (5 January 1931, actor)
Saint's day
- Emilia
- Johann
- Raphaela
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
蛇 Water Snake
25,977 days ago (71 years, 1 month, 13 days)
Daily aspects
New Moon (Capricorn) |
Moon Opposition Uranus |
Moon Square Neptune |
Daily aspects

Emotions rule. Relationships run harmoniously, as the feminine side is emphasized. Male and female energy combine, making you assertive, yet gentle with all dealings with other people.

During this time, you can be eccentric, headstrong, fanatic, over-the-top, irritable, and extremely moody. It's not a good time to deal with money, with regards to business or property. You and your romantic partner may get into arguments at home.

This transit can cause a dreamy disposition, passive attitude, tendency to self-deception, imbalance, hypersensitivity, weakened instinctual life, and nervous disorders. You could also get lost in wishful thinking. Try not watch horror movies during this time, as it may disturb you, and could lead to vivid nightmares.
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