Elijah Wood (* 1981), Andrea Berg (*1966), Colette (1873-1954), Ernst Lubitsch (1892-1947), Nick Carter (*1980)
Saint's day
Birthday: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Water Tiger
44,418 days ago (121 years, 7 months, 10 days)
Daily aspects
Fun and entertainment are the order of the day at Aquarius Moon. The relationship with friends, fraternity, and social issues touch us deeply. Now it is the best time to do something crazy together, but also to get involved in social causes.
This conjunction can cause limitations, depression, melancholy, and discomfort. You could be dissatisfied, introverted, stubborn, and insincere. Inhibitions in your love life could occur, and you could have bad luck with your partner. Alienation or separation from your wife or mother could occur. You could feel lonely and deserted if you live on your own.
Emotions rule. Relationships run harmoniously, as the feminine side is emphasized. Male and female energy combine, making you assertive, yet gentle with all dealings with other people.
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