Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
兔 Earth Rabbit
31,083 days ago (85 years, 1 month, 5 days)
Daily aspects
Moon → Pisces |
Moon ⚹ Mercury |
Daily aspects
The Pisces Moon makes us sensitive, dreamy, and introverted. We have a lively imagination and also dream expressively. Meditation and contemplation are in the foreground on these days. The real world is far away. WE may also feel the need to immerse in our inner self.

This is a good time for any sort of marketing, advertising and public relations. You may be heavily involved in communicating with family over Zoom calls or WhatsApp group chats. It's a great time to buy a car and go on short-distance travels. You'll also enjoy the company of neighbors. If you go on dates, great communication will occur. You and your loved one communicate effectively.
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