Alicia Keys (*1981), Virginia Woolf (1882 - 1941), Charlene, Princess of Monaco (*1978), Roy Black (1941-1993), Paul Nurse (*1949), Mia Kirshner (*1975)
Saint's day
Susanna, Susan
Birthday: Aquarius
Chinese zodiac sign:
兔 Metal Rabbit
26,688 days ago (73 years 24 days)
Daily aspects

This square can cause you to feel very lazy. You may just want to lie on the couch all day eating chips and ice cream, and drinking soda after soda. It's not a good time to invest money in any sort of real estate, or home décor, or renovations. It's also not a good time for any sort of risk taking or gambling, as your emotions will get too involved. If you are female, you may experience pain in the womb, hips and lower back while having your period.

During this time, you can be eccentric, headstrong, fanatic, over-the-top, irritable, and extremely moody. It's not a good time to deal with money, with regards to business or property. You and your romantic partner may get into arguments at home.

You may experience indigestion during this square, so "heavy" foods like red meat should be avoided. Try stick to low GI food to keep your energy up. You should cancel any important meetings you have with women, and definitely don't sign business contracts - especially if it has to do with feminine products. You may feel very teary and depressed, so lay off the candy and alcohol. It's best to exercise and take walks in nature right now, and spend time with pets that give you unconditional love.

This aspect is a good starting point, and a basis for all business, since you are mentally active, and have good judgment. All preparation for business will lead to success! It is also a good time to communicate emotions effectively to loved ones.
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