Birthday: Libra
Chinese zodiac sign:
羊 Metal Goat
12,037 days ago (32 years, 11 months, 14 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Opposition Pluto |
Moon Square Venus |
Mercury → Libra |
Daily aspects
This is an important period not to get into fights with women, as there could be power and ego struggles. You may fight with family, and problems could occur over joint finances and taxes. It's highly important not to get involved in psychic practices, or astral travel right now, as you could attract the attention of evil entities.
This is a not a good time to bond with others emotionally. You may have arguments with your mother, or motherly figure, as well as other females. If you are creative, you may paint objects, portraits, or landscapes, only to be disappointed in what you have made and destroy it afterwards. If you are female, you may experience period cramps and excessive PMS irritability and aggression.
If Mercury is in Libra, then it is the right time to activate artistic talents, be it music, acting, or rhetoric. We have a higher aesthetic sense, and we look for harmony more than usual.
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