
Neptune - January 1952

All astrology aspects and constellations of Neptune in January 1952.

All astrology aspects and constellations of Neptune in January 1952. When do the zodiac signs change? Which aspects and constellations are there?

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Neptune - January 1952

Current timezone: America/Chicago (UTC -06:00). change timezone

Date Aspects
Jan 2, 1952 Mars Conjunction Neptune
Jan 4, 1952 Moon Opposition Neptune
Jan 5, 1952 Mercury ⚹ Neptune
Jan 9, 1952 Moon Trine Neptune
Jan 12, 1952 Moon Square Neptune
Jan 12, 1952 Sun Square Neptune
Jan 14, 1952 Moon ⚹ Neptune
Jan 19, 1952 Moon Conjunction Neptune
Jan 20, 1952 Venus ⚹ Neptune
Jan 23, 1952 Neptune → retrograde
Jan 24, 1952 Moon ⚹ Neptune
Jan 26, 1952 Moon Square Neptune
Jan 27, 1952 Moon Trine Neptune
Jan 28, 1952 Mercury Square Neptune


The astrology calendar shows the current aspects of the desired date. All entries are available from Jan 1st, 1900 to Dec. 31st, 2099.

If you select one or more planets, the moon aspects are left out. If you want to see them, you have to choose the moon for the desired month.

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