Jim Carrey (*1962), Muhammad Ali (1942-2016), Michelle Obama (*1964), Paul Young (*1956), Kid Rock (*1971), Zooey Deschanel (*1980), Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Betty White (*1922)
Saint's day
Rose, Rosalia
Tony, Anthony
Weather Proverb
Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
虎 Wood Tiger
40,054 days ago (109 years, 7 months, 29 days)
Daily aspects
Moon Conjunction Jupiter |
Moon Trine Saturn |
Daily aspects
The conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter could mean significant financial gains, as well as social success, but also the tendency to find enjoyment and socialize. During this time, you also have a healthy life instinct, wealthy feelings, artistic inclinations, and ambition.
This is an excellent time to conduct business meetings - especially if you need to sell ideas with people who hold a lot of respect and authority. Women in power could help you now. Any matters that need emotional control should be handled, as you will feel mentally strong. Financial decisions come easy now, as you won't make any extravagant, or unnecessary, purchases.
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