Birthday: Capricorn
Chinese zodiac sign:
猴 Metal Monkey
37,870 days ago (103 years, 8 months, 6 days)
Daily aspects
Mercury Trine Jupiter |
Moon → Pisces |
Moon Conjunction Uranus |
Daily aspects
This is an excellent time to apply to universities, apply extra effort when studying for exams, as well as traveling to foreign lands and exploring different cultures. Business affairs go well, and you can even ask for a promotion! You may even get good news that your children have been accepted into schools you have sent applications to. It's also a great time to take up another language as a hobby.
The Pisces Moon makes us sensitive, dreamy, and introverted. We have a lively imagination and also dream expressively. Meditation and contemplation are in the foreground on these days. The real world is far away. WE may also feel the need to immerse in our inner self.
This transit can cause a lack of inner balance, unreasonable views, and strange habits. However, romantic love affairs could also appear in your life. Don't be surprised if you get unannounced visitors at your house, such as female friends or relatives! You have the potential to gain, or lose, money unexpectadly right now.
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