Negative aspects
There is a great danger to be captured in your own world of dreams and emotions. Therefore it is really important to convert to links to subconscious. It seems to be rather difficult but important to achieve a certain balance in real life. Escapism, moodiness, passivity and callousness are negative elements if it should be failed.
Auch in der Liebe ist jetzt besonders wichtig, auf die innere Stimme zu achten. Wir sollten tief in uns hineinhorchen, was möchten wir wirklich, womit fühlen wir uns gut? Zu unserem Partner und Freunden spüren wir eine tiefe Verbundenheit. Wir sollten uns zu nichts drängen lassen, sondern nur in Einklang mit unseren Gefühlen handeln .
It is to be listened to the inner voice and intuition while drawing decisions. This will be the route to success. We face challenges by calmness and inner balance. We make a good companionship with the members and chief of the staff. Subtle signals are showing how things are working. Thanking
Opposite view
Superficiality, despair and uncontrollable passion are the opposite sides
02. the key - Card of the day
-Stop !Today you cannot work by rational-orientated arguments.
You better take time in life to let your thoughts and feelings flow. Each decision should be followed by intuition.Trust in your destiny.
You have got the key for your subconscious and dreams.You have got a lot of understanding for your family, friends and partners.
It could be possible to recognize your soulmate.
You have got a lot of understanding for your family, friends and partners.
You have got the key for your subconscious and dreams.
You have got a lot of understanding for your family, friends and partners.
Astrologic correspondence tarot
I-Ching correspondence tarot
KUN: Das Empfangende
Mediality, intuition, subconcious, soul, destiny, fate, wisdom, spirituality, dreams, sympathy, understanding, calmness, balance, psychology and feminity.